Foundation Replacement

Foundation replacement is necessary if the damage to your foundation is extensive to the point where the repair costs could be the same or even higher than foundation replacement costs.

Professional foundation experts will only suggest a complete foundation replacement if they are 100% convinced that industry-standard repair solutions will simply not address the problem. At LA Structural, we strive to deliver the best foundation replacement Los Angeles has to offer.

Ignoring the need to get your foundation replaced in such a case will only serve to further endanger the structure of your home and make it extremely vulnerable to earthquake damage. Foundation problems usually manifest in many ways including visible cracks in the ceilings or the floor, gaps between the floors and walls, sagging floors, or when the walls appear to be leaning.

These will obviously get progressively worse – until it reaches the point where you need a foundation replacement. Shoddy construction work can also lead to a situation where a Los Angeles foundation replacement is necessary.

If you are worried about the integrity of your foundation and are in need of foundation replacement in Los Angeles, experts then give LA Structural a call at 323.422.5807 or schedule an inspection online.

Signs & Causes of Foundation Damage

While cracks and gaps might be easily visible to the naked eye, the more serious signs of damage can only be assessed via a complete inspection by our foundation experts. A complete foundation replacement will be necessary in the following cases:

  • Foundation sinking or shearing in most cases caused by poorly compacted soil base.
  • When poor quality building material has been used in construction.
  • Sub-standard quality of concrete mix used to fill the foundation.
  • Large cracks in the foundation, floors, and ceiling.
  • Hollow spots or gaps in the foundation.
  • Foundation construction material used (stone, brick, etc.) were not reinforced.
  • Foundation curing was abrupt – this can cause the foundation to become porous leading to damage from water.

The LA Structural Replacement Process

The first step will involve a thorough foundation inspection by one of our foundation experts. Once it is decided that a foundation replacement is the only option, we will formulate a personalized foundation replacement plan and proceed accordingly. To give you an idea of what to expect, here is a general outlay of our process.

  1. A temporary shoring of the house is done to relieve the load on the damaged foundation and to prevent any kind of damage to the house structure.
  2. The old damaged foundation will then be removed.
  3. In order to construct a new footing, we will dig a trench underneath the house.
  4. To ensure stable anchoring for foundation bolts, we will install brand new treated lumber.
  5. A network of rebar steel reinforcement is then inserted across the trench which includes new bolts.
  6. Wooden forms will also be built for receiving the concrete – the concrete is poured directly into these wooden forms.
  7. Once done, the concrete will be left to fully cure until it reaches its intended durability and strength – the curing can take a couple of days or more. Once cured, the wooden forms are removed.
  8. At this point, the home structure is carefully attached to the brand new foundation.

Leading Experts for Foundation Replacements in Los Angeles

The foundation of a house or building is critical for the simple reason that it is the foremost load-bearing structure. So, if your foundation is weak or damaged beyond repair then a foundation replacement is the only safe option available.

If this is your case, then what you need are absolute Los Angeles foundation replacement experts with a proven track record of delivering the best foundation replacement service. LA Structural is a premier general construction service with proven expertise in foundation replacement projects spanning across Los Angeles. Quality work is our business mantra.

“We were so pleased with LA Structural, they were timely (they even arrived early!), efficient, affordable, and extremely communicative. I would recommend them to anyone looking for quality foundation or structural work.”

Why Choose LA Structural for your Foundation Replacement?

LA Structural has built a reputation as one of the leading foundation experts in Los Angeles. When seeking a foundation inspection, foundation repair, or replacement work, it is important that you work with professionals who have the necessary experience and expertise.

If poor original construction work was the reason for your damaged foundation, then it only makes sense that you hire someone who is reputable and is professionally qualified to do the job right.

Ready to take the next step? Click below to schedule a cost free appointment with one of our structural professionals.


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"Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you are doing.” - Dale Terndrup CEO

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